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Acoustic Treatment Recommendations for Open Baffle Speakers

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Perhaps there's a video or resource out there on this already? If so I'd love to see it. With open baffles will I need to address first reflections in a similar manner to traditional box speakers? And for front wall (behind the speakers) would it beneficial to lean towards absorption, diffusion, or a balance with ab-fusion?

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Hi Scott - we will post a guide to acoustics soon to cover this important topic. In short, you follow the same approach as with a box speaker plus add 2x4 ft flat bass trap panels against the front wall behind each speaker. I prefer diffusion on the side walls unless the room is overly live, in which case you should use 2 in thick absorption panels. Add corner bass traps if space allows.


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Hey Scott, Clayton


What I have used with success is PI Audio Group Diffusers.  I would reach out to Greg Rael [email protected]


Here is the website   These are what you want Mr. 'T' Hemispherical Radiation:  47.5" X 23.5" X 6" - Perfect for open baffle use: Unpainted / Box of 2 pairs (M & F) These would be placed directly behind the Caladans   black or white or painted with a small upcharge.

I am currently using the Quadratic Residue Diffuser with my RF7-III wiith the GR Upgrade. These is a big audible difference without them , the simple clap test or "hey" test

Room 17 feet across speaker are three feet out, still messing with the toeing


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The diffussers in room

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After having recent chat with Clayton I followed his recommendation and increased the thickness of existing sound panels behind my current speakers from 2" to 4". It made significant improvements in both bass and lower midrange response.

Thank you Clayton. I am ready for Caladans!


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Thanks - glad to hear that. No one regrets adding room treatment.

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I highly recommend everyone watch the new series of videos regarding room acoustic treatment on the New Record Day Channel. Ron shows through sound clips what happens when treatment is added.


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Here they are in room, is this the position you were talking about or the actual corners?

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That location is good and what we discussed on the phone. However, I think the corners will be the better location once the Caladans arrive and are toed in slightly. 

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There Here, 

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@opfor Well, what are your impressions?
